
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Sorry, My bad

Okay so here goes.  It was a big mistake, Huge mistake on my part to think that giving a daily run down of what I ate would  be good for me.  UGH!  All of the sudden I was back in the world of weight watchers and other dieting tricks and it made me want to eat.  Notice I haven't posted for the past few days.  Well that's because all I could have posted would have been "Don't ask".  I guess I still have some hang ups about dieting, and hope, to be honest, I always do.  So, that being said, I'm announcing I'm going back to just a weekly update on weigh ins.  It may or may not be the only post for the week.  When I feel like I want to share; I sometimes share often.

It's amazing to me that once I came to the decision not to give a day by day, I calmed and have been on track today.  That's really saying something.  We had church this morning.  Which is fine, but I tend to get home starving.  I thought ahead and planed my morning.  In addition, my youngest is moving out today.  He found a place with two other friends and off he goes leaving the nest.  I got home thinking I would cook me a pork loin chop and roast some veggies, but instead came home to "Mom can you help me pack?".  Well of course honey let me get lunch started, and now at 4 pm he has taken the first load and I sit to type to you guys.  I did get my chop and veggies.  I literally wolfed it down in between packing.  Now I sit with you guys eating my "Butter Popcorn" which is 4 gms butter to 3 TBS popcorn popped in a microwave popper.

My workout was also a fly by the seat of your pants.  It's house cleaning.  That's what I call packing, lifting, sweeping (sand out of the truck so dear son can take it), etc for the past 2.5 hours, but I only counted 45 minutes.

It was definitely a improv kinda day and improv when it comes to what I eat and how I move is what I need.  Whatever I do has to roll with the punches so to speak.  It has to be flexible because life, more often that not, isn't.

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