
Thursday, April 29, 2021

Okay, just count to 10- 9,8


Okay.  Sooooo in it's infinite ( HA!) wisdom, the CDC (now politically motivated by whoever is in office) has come out to say that fully vaccinated people DON'T have to wear a mask outdoors.  Thanks Captain obvious! NO ONE NEEDS TO WEAR MASKS OUTDOORS!

First of all, having to take precautions when you have been vaccinated defeats the whole concept of vaccinations.  Doesn't it?  Remember the days gone by ( queue nostalgic music playing) when people went about their day living with the presence of nasty bugs around BECAUSE they had been vaccinated?  The irony is there are a lot of other bugs out there unbeknownst to them that have no vaccination available and yet people lived their life.  Do you know why we were able to function?  There is this wonderful little system we have in our complex body called an immune system.  Thank you Lord!  Many of us have come in contact with a germ or virus and our body was able to fight it off.  We may have gotten sick, but we got well and our immune system made a note of the virus and what to do if it got in again.  TOO COOL!  I'm all for that, but not too keen on Vaccines, personally.  Don't get me wrong, there are some vaccines I can see being necessary: Polio for one, but not all vaccines are necessary in my book.  The concept of a Vaccine is to give your body a "Heads up" with a weakened version of the virus through a shot instead of acquiring the virus naturally.  The thought being the virus is too dangerous to acquire naturally so a vaccine is the way to go.  The immune system beats it back, makes note, and is ready the next time.  So if that's the way you want to go, you do you.  Though personally I'd stay away from the MRNA vaccines.  See "the beginning of every zombie movie ever".

Also according to the CDC ( before they had to walk it back after a pow wow I expect), vaccinated people have a 95% chance of NOT getting sick from Covid OR spreading the virus.  Soooo yeah. 

NEWS FLASH!  Outdoors has never been the issue.  The CDC said long ago that masks aren't necessary outdoors.  Oh wait!  The initial reaction over a year ago was masks don't work at all and it's just to make people comfortable.  Thank you Dr Fauci for at least speaking truth in the beginning.  It was the last truthful thing you said, but hey, at least you started off well.  Don't get me started on his ridicules statement that even kids need to wear masks OUTDOORS! Ugh. 


Here are some rudimentary lessons on masks in general.  Our bodies were created to inhale O2 and exhale CO2.  CO2  is a WASTE product from our body.  Our body can't use it and DOESN'T WANT IT!  So we exhale it.  When you cover your mouth and nose, the two ways O2 can enter your body, you limit the flow of O2 into your body.  Oh I'm sure your lungs can work harder and pull it in, but it really would rather not.  Then when your lungs exhale the CO2, there isn't a force on the outside pulling it back thru the mask, and away from your next inhale.  So when you inhale again, you are inhaling the CO2 still stuck in your mask, along with whatever O2 your lungs can force thru the material of the mask.  You are inhaling your body waste over and over again.  Oh, and by the way, if you can smell something outside your mask, then your mask isn't doing it's job.  Ask yourself if this is worth it for a virus with a 99% chance of survival.

In addition, water vapor and warmth from your breath are what is plentiful in and on masks. Combine those two things: warmth and moisture, and you provide a perfect environment for bacteria and viruses to grow.  So when you are forcing what O2 you can thru the fibers of your mask, you're also sucking in any viruses or bacteria that have taken up residence there as well!  How special!  

Cross contamination is when germs are moved from one area to another.  More specifically, germs are moved from a contaminated area to a sterile/vulnerable area.   For instance when you adjust the mask you're wearing and then inadvertently touch your eyes, nose or mouth ( hmm like when pulling your mask down to eat).  When you keep your mask in your pocketbook, glove box, or floor of your car; then put it on and breathe deeply.  My favorite stupid commercial of all time right now is the one that has a mask on a lanyard around the neck.  So your mask sits on your chest accumulating germs inside and out and THEN you put it up?  Right.  Okay.

I don't mean to get on a tangent.  It just comes naturally in the presence of insanity.  The insanity of any differing opinion being silenced.  The insanity of claiming to follow science when all the things you're recommending doesn't follow science.  The insanity of allowing the media and our fearless leaders to tell you what to believe and how to live.  THINK!  READ!  CHECK THINGS OUT!  Don't blindly accept things, especially if they are coming out of the mouth of any politician, news agency, social media, or celebrity.

1.  If you're vaccinated, you should be good to go mask less, and do whatever you used to before all this craziness.  That being said, before you get vaccinated, ask yourself if it's worth vaccinating for a virus with a 99% survivability rate.

2.  If you choose to wear a mask:  Make sure the mask covers your nose and mouth at all times.  Wash your mask after every use (every use) and dry in a hot dryer.  Make sure the mask is 4 layers of 100% cotton.  If you're comfortable, breathing; it isn't protecting you.  The mask does not belong under your chin, around your neck, or holding your hair back in place of your sun glasses!  Wash your hands before applying the mask to your face.  DO NOT TOUCH YOUR MASK!  If you must touch it, wash your hands every time you do ( every time).  Remove your mask starting with the ears and pull it forward away from your face.  Immediately put it in the wash.  Immediately wash your hands.  Reapply another mask to wear when you're home around anyone else, because they're out in this too; getting supplies, or as an essential worker, etc.  Never be around anyone without a mask: whether at home or not.  It's the only way this insane concept has a chance over someone choosing to not wear a mask.  If you can't follow these steps, see point 3.  Note:  Viruses can't be contained, so, even with all this, plan accordingly.

3.  If you choose to not wear a mask, keep your distance from others when out.  Aside from that, breath deeply, enjoy your freedom, spend plenty of time in the sun, and eat well.  Note:  Viruses can't be contained, so stay healthy and strong to keep your immune system strong in order to fight if and when the time comes.  Good news is, while you may still get Covid or something else, chances are at least your life will be way better up to and after. 

As a general rule; wash your hands often, especially before you eat or drink.  Don't go out anywhere if you feel bad.  That should go without saying.  Keep your distance out in public especially if you see someone showing symptoms of any illness.  If your children are sick, they're still contagious even if you gave them something to bring their fever down, something to settle an upset stomach, or something that stopped diarrhea.  Medications control symptoms, they do not cure.

Good rule of thumb from my past experiences both as a daycare provider and a health care worker: 

24 hours with no fever, vomiting, diarrhea OR MEDS to control the aforementioned symptoms before being around other folks.  

Okay.  I'm calmer now.  In the words of the late Herman Cain "I'm not maaaad!  I'm just passionate!"

Friday, April 23, 2021

Happy Homecoming


Hello everyone!  

Remember the medical issues I spoke of?  Well we had one of them, hopefully, resolved this week.  

DH was diagnosed 15 years ago with spinal stenosis.  That's where ones spinal column narrows over time due to thickening of the bone within the column.  It can narrow and narrow until it presses on the nerves.  This causes numbness, tingling, and/or pain to the legs.  If untreated, it can put the patient in a wheelchair.  15 years ago, physical therapy worked and hubby went on his way.  He would have an occasional flare up, but he'd do his exercises, yoga, or simple stretches and he'd be good.  Then about 4 months ago he had a flare up that wouldn't go away despite his best efforts.  He went back to the Dr.  Physical therapy was tried again, but this time to no avail.  Surgery was really the only option.  Cortisone shots would've just been delaying the inevitable, and only for a few weeks.  So this past Monday, on my Birthday no less, Dh had his surgery.  Since then, he's been in the hospital recovering enough to come home.  He was finally able to come home today.  In fact we've been home about an hour.  






HOSPITAL STAY- $$$$$$$$$$$


It's going to take him about 4-6 weeks to recover full function.  3-6 months for full recovery.  Not sure, during that time, when he will be able to return to work.  So watching my P's and Q's when it comes to money.  We have enough, I believe, in savings for living expenses and medical bills.  We have a HSA, but it has been depleted from other medical expenses.  We have enough, in the HSA, to cover some of the medical bills.  So while we have it to cover these things, it's still going to make things snug here.  

We know approximately how much our part of this will be and have set that amount aside to pay bills as they come.  With that amount set aside in savings, I can transfer as needed to cover other expenses as they come.  I will only take out of savings what is absolutely necessary.  So its going to be a snug year.  Even once the medical bills are paid off, we have a Health Savings account to catch up.  

This was an unforeseen expense.  I am beyond grateful that we had an emergency fund to cover living expenses and medical bills.  It took a lot of the stress out of an already stressful situation.  

With a little planning, emergency funds can be started with the smallest amount of money.  Just add to it over time.  It's better to start it now when there isn't an emergency.  If you're someone who makes say $30,000 a year or more, shoot for $1000 as a goal (to start).  If you make less than $30,000, shoot for $500.  DON'T TOUCH IT!  A family vacation isn't an emergency; neither is Christmas, school clothes, date night, a new TV, etc.  These should all be budgeted categories. You could say a car repair is an emergency.  I can see that, but really, if possible, car maintenance should be a budgeted category aside from savings.  A true emergency is more like a job lay off, medical emergency, major home repair ( like to pay your deductible when a tree falls on your house).  I say all of this because we can( and I have) justified taking money from our emergency fund for things that just weren't emergencies to begin with.  

If you have the ability to put money into an actual Health Savings Account, do so.  We've loved ours.  If you don't have insurance, or a Health Savings account, pay yourself an insurance premium and make that your "policy".  Many doctors offices, and even hospitals, will give a discount if you don't have insurance.  Just ask ahead of time. If you pay yourself that "premium" by putting it into a savings account, you have a fall back in case of a medical emergency.  Any little bit helps.  

Yes, funds will be tight here, but we'll be okay.  I may need to get a little more frugal or creative than previously, but we'll make it.  I'm grateful to have that cushion to see us thru.  

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Well she did it! Kinda

 Our crazed Mama hen has finally managed to hatch out 2 chicks that lived, and from what I understand, three that didn't.  We have removed the rest of the eggs and began the process of incubating them.  I think to is about all she can handle right now.  We're still waiting to see who else, if any, hatch.  I've heard that the instinct to brood (sit on eggs) has been bred out of chicks bought at the store, and that the hens have to try and fail a few times before they finally get it.  I'm not sure how true that is, but there was definitely a learning curve with this one. First off she couldn't figure out which box to lay in, and, we think, she probably took breaks more than she should have.  She seems to be caring for these two.  I had to clean out the nesting box( gross) and put in fresh bedding.  I also dipped the chicks beak in the water just in case she hasn't shown them how to drink.  She gave it a valiant effort.    

On the other hand, we have two broody mama's in the Bantum coop.  Bantums brood very easily, and these were hatched the old fashioned way and not bought from a store.  Big Mama is our normal Broody Mama, but it looks like one of her daughters has joined her.  We don't need any more bantum chicks.  We have 5 right now; 4 hens and a rooster.  Chicks mean more hens and roosters.  Bantum roosters are really too small for the freezer, so we would need to find them homes.  So we have been taking the bantum eggs out from under her and replacing them with full size chicken eggs.  Only 6 full size eggs between the two of them.  Bantum hens don't care. They will sit on eggs, any eggs, and they will mother whoever hatches, even when they are her same size!  This is Big Mama with her babies from last year.  She hatched out 4 full size chicks and 2 bantum chicks.  Those black ones are full size.  

This is Taz.  This is the Bantum chick we hatched in an incubator last year after big mama left the nest.  We actually hatched out this one and a full size black chick named Gonzo.  We named them Taz and Gonzo because we thought they were both roosters.  Oops.  Turns out they were both hens.  Turns out they were best buds too.  

In other homestead news, it looks like we will be getting cattle panels after all.  Only this time, I'm pressed for time to get it in, and really don't have a good time to do it.  Looks like we have a 39 degree temp in our future.  39 won't kill my tomatoes, but it will lessen pollen production and kill any fruit on them.  Yes, my tomatoes are flowering and have fruit in some cases.  I've tried to cover them, but it's hard to keep them covered if it gets windy.  An actual wind tunnel can fix that and operate as a temporary green house in a pinch.  The problem I'm running into is the size of our truck.  It can carry maybe 2.  I need at least 6-8.  This means multiple trips to the store, or hope someone can deliver it all, sooner rather than later.  It's an investment, but something I hope pays off long term.  My hope is extending the growing season on both ends by being able to use this as a makeshift unheated greenhouse.  My main goal, though, is to cut down on tomato losses from blight.  

On a cautionary high note, I actually have a little corn and yellow wax beans coming in.  I just threw some seeds into the ground to see if they would be viable.  These were either seeds I've saved or older seeds.  So far, those are the ones breaking thru.  I still have 8 beds to do something with!  I also have some tomato volunteers.  Not sure if they are Roma or Cherry, so can't decide weather to keep them or not.  They're little, not flowering or anything.  If I do keep them, I'll move them to a new area.  

So how's your garden coming along?  Any experiments being tried? Anyone have experience using the cattle panels this way?  I would love the feed back.  

Monday, April 12, 2021

Milk...It does a Broccoli Good!

 Well Whoooo knew!  I do now.  

We've had a lot of rain lately.  I mean a lot.  Like "I think I see Noah's ark floating down my street" type rain.  That ended a week or so ago with winters last gasp.  Due to winter's heavy breathing and my need to plant 10 tomato plants early, the night time low of 30-32 was a problem.  I spent three days in wet, covering my tomato plants to hopefully protect them.  I can say I was about 50% successful.  5 out of 10 ain't bad.   Doesn't it look so cozy?  I used these lighted boxes my dad made years ago for seed starting.  I have used these things for seeds, plants, a brooder, and soon to be an incubator.  Talk about versatile!  It's a simple wooden box with light bulbs on a dimmer switch on either end.  The bottom is metal that warms up for use in seed starting, but with 100 watt bulbs, these boxes generated enough heat to protect my plants.

The focus on tomato plants, took my focus off the cabbages and broccoli.  As I was removing the tomato coverings, I noticed all of my cabbage family plants were looking less than stellar.   That seemed weird to me.  I never thought they would have a problem.  They're cold weather crops.  They should have been fine!  Upon closer inspection, I noticed white spots on the leaves.  I looked up the problem and it seems in cold damp weather, cabbage plants are susceptible to White Spot.  It's a fungus, and if left untreated, will kill the plant.  Throwing my desire to a totally organic garden out the window, I hurried to order a fungicide to fight this before It wiped out all my cabbage plants.  My order won't be here til the 15th of April, so I continued to research something to fight it now and at least give them a chance until the fungicide arrived.  



Apparently diluted milk has a protein which, combined with sunlight, makes an inhospitable environment for this fungus.  FYI, this also works on Squash plants with Powdery Mildew.  I sprayed my plants for a couple of days, and they perked right up!  

The after:

The spots have started to disappear.  There was a break from spraying since the weather was still sunny and dry.  They seemed to  be recovering well.  It rained yesterday.  With the sun's arrival today I was out reapplying the diluted milk.  

While getting some pics, I had to include my prettiest Apple tree (shh!  Don't let the other trees know).  This poor tree has been pulled out of the ground and replanted twice; once from hurricane Irma, and once from Kudzu!  But look at it!  It has come thru with flying colors!  Beauty despite adversity.  There's a lesson in there somewhere!

Friday, April 9, 2021

An Interesting Turn of Events!

 Good morning all!  I know I'm late in posting.  Things have been crazy busy here with spring approaching.  I will pose of gardening, baby chicks, etc in a later post, but wanted to share something that happened JUST NOW; this morning, at this moment!  

About 3 months ago I determined I was tired of all the junk on Facebook and opted to leave.  This was the day after the January 6th hullabaloo at the capital.  I had shared a statement by Sarah Palin simply asking for the media to do the research to find out who the rioters were before assuming.  Not all those gathered at the capital were rioting, just like not all those gathered at the George Floyd protests were rioting.  I would hope, regardless of ideology, we could agree on that one.  Anyway, Facebook took it down saying it was false, even though at no point in the statement did Sarah Palin make any claims.  She simply called for objective journalism.  That was the straw that broke the camels back for me and I left.  

I have stayed relatively quite online since then.  I try not to wax too political on my blog.  That being said, The things going on in this country are getting serious.  

This morning I felt I needed to sign up again for Facebook in order to speak out on things.  My opinion and a dollar would get me a cup of coffee at Mcdonalds, but I still wanted to express it.  I told my husband I was going to sign up again and speak my mind.  I told him I may end up in Facebook jail, and people probably shouldn't accept or request friend requests to me if they are easily riled, but I was going to do it.  I filled in all of the info, using my old user name, and DOB, but the email and password were changed.  I hit "sign up" and am immediately reading a statement that says my account has been disabled because my content didn't meet community standards.  

FYI, I closed my account months ago.  They give you 30 days to change your mind, and up until that deadline I still had the ability to sign back up.  I know, I checked.  So one of two things happened:

1)  Google/Facebook over heard hubby's and my conversation just now and blocked me from getting on because of what I might post.  That's my conspiracy theory

2)  More than likely, and just as scary, My past account was part of a conservative purge, even though I had never been disabled or lost access to my page at any time in the 10 years I had been on facebook.  I had some videos taken down, but for the most part never dinged.  I was, however, very open about my conservative views.  I was always respectful of differing opinions, willing to talk things out rather than use cheap shots.  I think my views, coupled with a record of having some of my things taken down (mostly covid related fyi), made me part of the "Great Purge".  

I say all of this to say, please pay attention to what is going on around you right now.  Rights are being eroded in the name of  Political Correctness, Diversity, and "public health".  The latest one is Mr Biden's executive orders on gun control, because it's a "public health crisis".  He also stated "no amendment is absolute".  Really?  In order to have an amendment added to the constitution, 2/3rds of both the House and Senate have to vote on it.  It is not signed into law by the president.  In fact he has nothing to do with the amendment process.  Instead the amendment is sent to all 50 states and 3/4ths of the 50 states have to ratify it.  That is 38 of the 50 states.  That seems pretty absolute.  It would take another amendment process to overturn it.  Legally.  But are we living in a time where the constitution doesn't hold the same authority?  That's the dividing line.  

So, tell me.  Which Amendment do you think we don't Really need anymore?  I'll wait.