
Thursday, April 29, 2021

Okay, just count to 10- 9,8


Okay.  Sooooo in it's infinite ( HA!) wisdom, the CDC (now politically motivated by whoever is in office) has come out to say that fully vaccinated people DON'T have to wear a mask outdoors.  Thanks Captain obvious! NO ONE NEEDS TO WEAR MASKS OUTDOORS!

First of all, having to take precautions when you have been vaccinated defeats the whole concept of vaccinations.  Doesn't it?  Remember the days gone by ( queue nostalgic music playing) when people went about their day living with the presence of nasty bugs around BECAUSE they had been vaccinated?  The irony is there are a lot of other bugs out there unbeknownst to them that have no vaccination available and yet people lived their life.  Do you know why we were able to function?  There is this wonderful little system we have in our complex body called an immune system.  Thank you Lord!  Many of us have come in contact with a germ or virus and our body was able to fight it off.  We may have gotten sick, but we got well and our immune system made a note of the virus and what to do if it got in again.  TOO COOL!  I'm all for that, but not too keen on Vaccines, personally.  Don't get me wrong, there are some vaccines I can see being necessary: Polio for one, but not all vaccines are necessary in my book.  The concept of a Vaccine is to give your body a "Heads up" with a weakened version of the virus through a shot instead of acquiring the virus naturally.  The thought being the virus is too dangerous to acquire naturally so a vaccine is the way to go.  The immune system beats it back, makes note, and is ready the next time.  So if that's the way you want to go, you do you.  Though personally I'd stay away from the MRNA vaccines.  See "the beginning of every zombie movie ever".

Also according to the CDC ( before they had to walk it back after a pow wow I expect), vaccinated people have a 95% chance of NOT getting sick from Covid OR spreading the virus.  Soooo yeah. 

NEWS FLASH!  Outdoors has never been the issue.  The CDC said long ago that masks aren't necessary outdoors.  Oh wait!  The initial reaction over a year ago was masks don't work at all and it's just to make people comfortable.  Thank you Dr Fauci for at least speaking truth in the beginning.  It was the last truthful thing you said, but hey, at least you started off well.  Don't get me started on his ridicules statement that even kids need to wear masks OUTDOORS! Ugh. 


Here are some rudimentary lessons on masks in general.  Our bodies were created to inhale O2 and exhale CO2.  CO2  is a WASTE product from our body.  Our body can't use it and DOESN'T WANT IT!  So we exhale it.  When you cover your mouth and nose, the two ways O2 can enter your body, you limit the flow of O2 into your body.  Oh I'm sure your lungs can work harder and pull it in, but it really would rather not.  Then when your lungs exhale the CO2, there isn't a force on the outside pulling it back thru the mask, and away from your next inhale.  So when you inhale again, you are inhaling the CO2 still stuck in your mask, along with whatever O2 your lungs can force thru the material of the mask.  You are inhaling your body waste over and over again.  Oh, and by the way, if you can smell something outside your mask, then your mask isn't doing it's job.  Ask yourself if this is worth it for a virus with a 99% chance of survival.

In addition, water vapor and warmth from your breath are what is plentiful in and on masks. Combine those two things: warmth and moisture, and you provide a perfect environment for bacteria and viruses to grow.  So when you are forcing what O2 you can thru the fibers of your mask, you're also sucking in any viruses or bacteria that have taken up residence there as well!  How special!  

Cross contamination is when germs are moved from one area to another.  More specifically, germs are moved from a contaminated area to a sterile/vulnerable area.   For instance when you adjust the mask you're wearing and then inadvertently touch your eyes, nose or mouth ( hmm like when pulling your mask down to eat).  When you keep your mask in your pocketbook, glove box, or floor of your car; then put it on and breathe deeply.  My favorite stupid commercial of all time right now is the one that has a mask on a lanyard around the neck.  So your mask sits on your chest accumulating germs inside and out and THEN you put it up?  Right.  Okay.

I don't mean to get on a tangent.  It just comes naturally in the presence of insanity.  The insanity of any differing opinion being silenced.  The insanity of claiming to follow science when all the things you're recommending doesn't follow science.  The insanity of allowing the media and our fearless leaders to tell you what to believe and how to live.  THINK!  READ!  CHECK THINGS OUT!  Don't blindly accept things, especially if they are coming out of the mouth of any politician, news agency, social media, or celebrity.

1.  If you're vaccinated, you should be good to go mask less, and do whatever you used to before all this craziness.  That being said, before you get vaccinated, ask yourself if it's worth vaccinating for a virus with a 99% survivability rate.

2.  If you choose to wear a mask:  Make sure the mask covers your nose and mouth at all times.  Wash your mask after every use (every use) and dry in a hot dryer.  Make sure the mask is 4 layers of 100% cotton.  If you're comfortable, breathing; it isn't protecting you.  The mask does not belong under your chin, around your neck, or holding your hair back in place of your sun glasses!  Wash your hands before applying the mask to your face.  DO NOT TOUCH YOUR MASK!  If you must touch it, wash your hands every time you do ( every time).  Remove your mask starting with the ears and pull it forward away from your face.  Immediately put it in the wash.  Immediately wash your hands.  Reapply another mask to wear when you're home around anyone else, because they're out in this too; getting supplies, or as an essential worker, etc.  Never be around anyone without a mask: whether at home or not.  It's the only way this insane concept has a chance over someone choosing to not wear a mask.  If you can't follow these steps, see point 3.  Note:  Viruses can't be contained, so, even with all this, plan accordingly.

3.  If you choose to not wear a mask, keep your distance from others when out.  Aside from that, breath deeply, enjoy your freedom, spend plenty of time in the sun, and eat well.  Note:  Viruses can't be contained, so stay healthy and strong to keep your immune system strong in order to fight if and when the time comes.  Good news is, while you may still get Covid or something else, chances are at least your life will be way better up to and after. 

As a general rule; wash your hands often, especially before you eat or drink.  Don't go out anywhere if you feel bad.  That should go without saying.  Keep your distance out in public especially if you see someone showing symptoms of any illness.  If your children are sick, they're still contagious even if you gave them something to bring their fever down, something to settle an upset stomach, or something that stopped diarrhea.  Medications control symptoms, they do not cure.

Good rule of thumb from my past experiences both as a daycare provider and a health care worker: 

24 hours with no fever, vomiting, diarrhea OR MEDS to control the aforementioned symptoms before being around other folks.  

Okay.  I'm calmer now.  In the words of the late Herman Cain "I'm not maaaad!  I'm just passionate!"

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