
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Danger Foods

This time of year I'm readily faced with, and I know you are too, foods that are too good to eat and not good for you (at all).  Thanksgiving and Christmas, along with all the other holidays celebrated this time of year, tend to bring out the good stuff.  Weather it's gifts you're receiving or preparing to give, this can be a tricky time of year to stay on track.  That's one of the reasons I say make your decision as to what you want to do during this season of giving and gaining.  Me?  I wanted to stay status quo.  If I can hold my own during this season and concentrate on losing again after, then I'm fine.  So far, so good.


Enter...the forbidden.  Nah, enter the dangerous.  Technically I CAN have these, but they're trigger foods for me.  Trigger foods are foods that I can't keep in the house in any large number.  In other words I have to limit my exposure to them.  What foods am I talking about?  Well for me it's things like Toffee (apparently... ahem...moving on), M&M's (any kind), ice cream cake (not right now, but in the warmer months).  These things I can't stay away from.  It's not a short coming on my part.  We're genetically geared to be attracted to fat and sugar and, well, there it is!  Like credit cards, I can't be in possession of these things.   It's one thing if i'm at a party and these things are there.  I can enjoy it knowing I'm back on track next day.  What I'm realizing is I can't have them around me all the time.

 How did I come to this epiphany? 

Well Kroger had an amazing sale on Hershey's Baking chips.  That included all flavors.  I stocked up.  Now having an inkling to my weakness for toffee (Heath, Skor), I only bought 5 packages of the heath chips.  But OH MY these things have been the bane of my existence.  I mean really!!!!!!  UGH!  So I have to do something with them.  Well they are now baked into cookies which I will gift friends, family, the post man, etc.  Nothing of this will remain in my house after the 25th.  It can't.  I know my weaknesses.  This is one and it has to go.

We all have those trigger foods.  Having them periodically is fine.  But if you know they're a weakness, don't put yourself into a position of prolonged exposure.  Especially this time of year.  When you're stressed, tired, not feeling 100%, your resolve weakens and you can get yourself into a lot of trouble.  That's what I've been dealing with.  It's been hard with my Etsy store being so busy (Yay).  I knew that it would be going into this season and so Thought I planned accordingly.  This is another lesson learned.  I was sewing, sewing, sewing, grabbing what I could for meals, and sewing.  It doesn't make for a smoothly running machine.  Now things are slowing down with y store, but picking up with the finishing touches of our own Christmas Holiday.  Today is a cloudy, rainy, not feeling well, errand running, etc kind of day and I just needed to get those things out of the house.  So now they're all baked up and on their way out as gifts and so I Have to stay away.

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