
Friday, October 27, 2017

But I'm so hungry!

Woo.  There are days.  There are days when I feel like I could eat the paint off the wall.  Well maybe not that bad, but I definitely have the munchies.  The munchies I get now pale in comparison to the  munchies I used to get when my body was trying to use highly processed sugar free fat free "foods".  Those bordered on manic, but these are more of a nuisance.  Now I can usually pin point the problem and mitigate the damage.  Here's what I've found.

1)  I'm really thirsty-  I know this will sound a bit sciencey, but here goes.  You hypothalamus is the kind of foreman in your brain.  It tells everyone else where to go and such.  Well it will trigger you when you need food or water.  One problem with the trigger for hunger and thirst are that they are so similar as to be identical.  Many people miss read a thirst signal to be a hunger signal.  FYI, if you ignore a thirst signal long enough, your hypothalamus will say "screw it" and shut off the signal.  Ever had one of those times where when you finally got a drink you guzzled the whole thing down in one fell swoop? "I didn't realize I was so thirsty!"  Well you had ignored a thirst signal so once you did drink, your body made the most of it.  There are times when I feel like I have the munchies and then I realize I haven't had anything to drink since the coffee that morning.  Many times getting something to drink (Usually water) will do the trick.

2)  I need to move-  Moving covers three things. 

A) It gives me something to do, taking my mind off the munchies. 

B) It suppresses my appetite, probably because I'm not thinking about it, but also all those wonderful endorphin's and such get released.

C) It burns calories which means I can eat more calories throughout the day.  This gives me a grace period so to speak.  I know I have a buffer should I need to eat more.  This is why it's a plus to move when you may be going to an event where food is included.  It also helps if you can't seem to shake the munchies; especially if the hunger is due to stress or emotions.  There are times nothing will work but chocolate.  I feel you sweetie.  Just move!  Then pace yourself calorie wise.  Kind of a controlled Munch. 

3)  I'm Bored-  If you haven't moved today, SEE #2.  Seriously.  Boredom can be a hard thing to resolve.  You may have already moved today.  Now you're bored.  Find some task to occupy you.  You may think "I'm not in the mood to do  "xyz", but make yourself.  If you're in an office job, this one can be hard to do.  Especially if you have co-workers who love to bring in goodies.  YIKES!   I'm blessed in that I'm home and can easily find something that needs to be done.  I realize that and am extremely grateful to my hubby for making that happen.  I used to have a desk job.  I used to have coworkers who liked to bring in goodies.  I know how hard that is to resist.  I also know how hard it is to get unchained from your desk.  On days where we were busy, it wasn't too bad.  It was the S-L-O-W days that got me.  Not sure what your job is like so I'll have to leave the "What" to you.  Here are some thoughts though.  Even if you've already moved for the day; go outside and walk during lunch break.  You can always eat you lunch at your desk if needed.  If you get a 15 minute break too, go outside.  Out from the cooped up office.  Out into the sunshine and fresh air.  Out and away from the goodies.  Out and away from the stress of your job.  Doesn't matter the weather.  GET OUT!

4)  Sometimes I'm just hungry-  Sometimes that's all it is.  It's amazing to me now that I can recognize when I'm really hungry as opposed to other things.  I still go thru my check list of what's causing my feeling of hunger, but i'm where I can go thru that check list instead of immediately jumping onto food.  Sometimes I am really just hungry.  There are times your body just need a few extra calories.  Make them good calories.  Fruits, veggies, proteins, etc.    A bag of chips won't do it I promise: or cakes, candy, cookies.  Use those 160 calories some other way.   But again, if you have moved for the day, you can eat more calories when your body needs it. 

I eat something every 3-4 hours.  Just like a little baby.  I have my three main meals and then snack in between.  Many times when I start to feel hungry, I can look at the clock and go "Yay!  time to eat!" I have noticed that if the calories I'm taking in are quality calories, then I tend to do better at avoiding the munchies.  That doesn't mean no fun foods.  I still have those, but I limit them because I know it won't stay with me very long.

I did have a great breakfast this morning though

2 eggs scrambled
1 slice bacon (real!)
1 bowl of strawberries with
2 tsp choc syrup
2 cups coffee with 1/4 cup whole milk (total) and 2 tsp of sugar (total)

I'll get to eat again in 2 hours.  Life is good.  I actually had to add the chocolate syrup and extra coffee with milk and sugar in order to get my carbs up above 30.  Calories for breakfast?  378.  Right where I want it. 

I hope all this is helping some.  If there is anything I'm missing, please let me know.  I'm not an expert by any stretch of imagination.  This is just my own experience, but I want to help where I can.

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