
Monday, October 2, 2017

All diets work.....hmm

Good Morning!  It's a glorious fall day here in Ga.  Not only because our highs today will be in the 70's (joy!), but I'm down another 2.2 lbs!  I'm officially 20 lbs away from my goal.  I've never been this close before.  Feels kinda weird!  Good weird though.  Don't get me wrong, it's coming off at a s-l-o-w pace, but it is coming off.

So my topic of choice today is the statement my doctor made about how "all diets work.  It's just a matter of calories in vs calories out.".   I do agree with her on that statement, with this caveat, all diets work if you can stay on them.

You see there is no magic combinations of foods that cause weight loss.  All carb, No carb, eat this with that, etc.  It is calories taken in vs calories expended in energy.  If you take in more calories than your body needs, regardless of type or combination, your body stores it for future use.  How is it stored?  Why fat cells! So, yes, any diet that limits calories so you use more in energy, will work....for time.  Problem is many diets are hard to stay on.  "I'm cutting out all ________( enter food here).).  Once you take an item away in totality, it won't be long before you cheat.  Most people cut out what they eat too much of anyway.  Now I can hear you guys saying "But you took out bread!'.  To which I answer "nay".  I limit bread, rice, and pasta to when I really want it and am willing to count the calories.  Goodness!  I make my bread.  I would be nuts to never try it!  This is a lifestyle change so unless you're going to cut these things out for eternity, the weight will be back on.  If you are taking a pill to lose weight; then once you stop taking the pill, the weight will come back on.  Even if you have weight loss surgery, be advised, you have about 18 months and then you are back to needing to count and measure or, you guessed it, the weight will come back on.  Just a little FYI.  Your stomach is made of a transitional tissue which  means it stretches.  I have seen people eat their way back to their original weight.

In addition, many people, rely on sugar free /fat free items to help them thru a diet.  This is actually detrimental to a diet.  This is one of the things on which my doctor and I were in agreement, the fact that artificial sweeteners make your body crave sugar!  It craves simple sugars like cookies, cakes, cokes, candy.  I have a cup (ahem or two) of coffee every day.  I have 2 TBS of whole milk and 1 tsp of sugar in my cup of coffee (she said as she took a sip).  Total calories for my joy here?  36.  36 calories.  That's it!  Sugar is only 16 calories per tsp.  Many times it doesn't take a full tsp to sweeten something.  Read your labels next time you're in the store.  Many times there aren't many calorie differences between the sugar free and the sweetened, between the fat free or the full fat.  Speaking of full fat!  Fat is what helps you feel satisfied!  Don't take that away.

If you need to keep within a calorie range like I do, then do this for example

Instead of- 1 cup of blueberries + 1 container of fat free sugar free yogurt = 170 calories

Try - 1 cup of blueberries + 3 oz of french vanilla whole milk yogurt = 165 calories.

Or if you are a wild child, try -  1 cup of blue berries and 4 oz of plain whole milk yogurt = for 155 calories.  You actually have the calories left over to add a tsp of your own sugar.  Try it without sugar first to see if you like it unsweetened.  Try it!  Seriously, whole milk yogurt is a whole different animal than non fat yogurt.  I will actually take 1/2 of an apple chopped, 1/2 cup blueberries, 4 oz plain WM yogurt, mix it together and sprinkle a bit of cinnamon.

Either way you do it, I promise it will stay with you much longer.

Anyway, My point is to

A)  Allow all things (except diet foods Please!).  Nothing is off limits as long as you are willing to spend the calories on it.
B)  Eat real food!  Your body will thank you because it knows then what to do with what you're putting in it!  NO ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS, NO NON/ LOW FAT UNLESS GOD MADE IT THAT WAY.  Try to eat as little processed food as possible.
C)  Be active!  May sure your activity counts for something.  You do not get walking points for getting up to turn the tv channel.  Whatever you choose, you need to be MOVIN!  Not movement.
D)  Realize this is a lifestyle change.  My weight is coming off at a snails pace now, but it's coming off and not going back on.  That's a first for me.  I will always measure, and record.  Any diet that tells you otherwise is pulling a fast one because you won't be able to maintain once you're at your goal. Then you will be right back to them for "help".  It's their plan see.  This I believe.
E)  Realize life happens.  If you have a day off, let it go, but get right back on the next day.

and lastly, make sure you get as much for the calories you eat as you can.  That includes as much nutrition, and enjoyment.  I don't want something that "tastes just like", or "Isn't that bad".  Life is too short!  You need your fat, proteins, carbs, fiber, fruits and veggies!  Don't forget those!  Very important!

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