
Monday, January 11, 2021

Your Choice. As it Should Be

 First a disclaimer:  Most of the time my posts will deal with daily living, healthy stuff, my faith...everyday things.  Once in a blue moon, I'll feel the need to express opinion about a current event.  This is such a time.   You, as the reader, have the right to read or not.  You have the right to agree or disagree.  You have the right to never read my stuff again, or come back to visit again.  You have the right to believe I'm lying or telling the truth.  You have the right to comment; agreeing or not, on my posts; respectfully.  As the writer, I should have the right to express my opinion; my opinion without being told what that opinion should be.  Which leads us to my topic at hand.  

You'd have to live under a rock to not hear about all the craziness in the world today; Covid, the election, the protests and riots over the summer, and the protest and riots recently.  

Full disclosure:  I am a Christian.  I am Pro-Life.  I am conservative both fiscally and socially.  That being said, I am Libertarian politically.  I believe in personal responsibility, and I don't want "Help" from Uncle Sam.  I have learned the hard way how that "help" can be extremely unhelpful.  I personally think masks are to protection from Covid what a school desk was to a nuclear bomb during the cold war.  I believe there is a lot of panic over a virus with a 99% survival rate.  I do not in any way, diminish those whose lives have been lost this past year, thru Covid, or any other way.  Life is precious.  All life is precious.  Good hand washing, keep your distance.  Steer clear of your loved ones who are compromised.  

Are you mad yet?  Offended?  

Everything I just typed, from the beginning of my disclaimer to the last word of my disclosure are deemed offensive in today's society.  Facebook has been so helpful in the past, by taking down my posts similar to the above with helpful tips like " go to the WHO website for appropriate information to post".   Soooo anyone else have a problem with being told what opinion you can and can't have?  

I finally left Facebook last week.  No I wasn't in facebook jail, and ironically, before all the hullaballo at the capital.  

Here's what scares me, and regardless of political persuasion, should scare you too.  I have watched over the weekend as Google App store, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter, seemingly worked together to silence first President Trump, then other conservative people and finally every conservative voice; famous or not, in Parlor.  I went to Parlor once.  Was kind of underwhelmed, but probably because it was just starting off and so there wasn't a whole lot to do.  But over the weekend, conservatives began leaving other social media platforms for Parlor; thousands.  The by the end of the weekend, however, Parlor was lights out due to it's app being pulled from Amazon and Google App store.  

Now some of you may be thinking "Well Parlor wasn't policing their site well" (Policing?  How does that really sound?).  They do have measures in place, but they don't "Police"." Trump was inciting violence".  He wasn't.   Watch the whole speech.  I found it on YouTube.  Not sure how long it will stay, but I'll provide a link.  here

Free Speech isn't free because it's acceptable.  Free Speech is free whether we agree or not.  In fact sometimes free speech can be really hard to hear.  

You may lean more progressive, and that's fine.  You may disagree with everything I've just written, but I want to you to think of these things:

1)  The policies used by one party in power, can be used by the other party when they are in power.  

2)  First it will be conservative ideals.  What is next on the list?  What will be dangerous when conservatives are no longer there to get the brunt of the powers that be? Who will they set their sights on?  Because, believe me, there will be a next one.  Fight for the rights of all and you are fighting for your rights too.  You can't assume you will never be in the line of fire. 

In my opinion, social media has way to much power.  I don't like the fact that I can look for towels to buy, then go to facebook and get towel ads.  Or worse yet, to be discussing a 40 year old sit com with my son in the car, not even on my computer (but my phone was on) and come home to ads on my lap top advertising episodes for said sitcom on Youtube.  But for Facebook, Amazon, Google, and Twitter to be silencing conservative voices, scares the starch out of me. 

 If you're smart, you'll sit up and take notice.

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