
Monday, February 10, 2020

Rainy Days and Mondays

Had a bit of a sad morning today. We lost one of our oldest hens today. I just think at her age, she couldn't handle all the damp cold we've had recently. We had 3+ inches of rain this past Friday, then turned off cold really quick, and 4+ inches of snow Sat. Then today is the start of another cold 3+ inches of rain today and tomorrow. This has been our weather pattern in the last month. Just can't seem to dry out. I found her semi conscious in one of the nesting boxes when I went out this morning to check on everyone. I brought her into the house and put a warm towel in a box and let her have her last little bit of time in a warm dry area with no other hens walking all over her(yes they were doing that very thing). Chickens, especially these are cold hardy, but I think this was just too much for her. She was 6 years old. Heat lamps can be dangerous, and so we have opted to not put them in the coops, until today. After finding her, I made an executive decision and pulled out the heat lamp and put it in the coop to give them a warmer, dryer spot to stay. For safety, it will be turned off tonight, because we will be asleep and can't watch it. Plus the light can mess their sleep schedule up. So turned off tonight, but in the mean time, it will give them a dryer spot and warmer spot and when they are getting ready for bed, they will be gathered together for warmth. It will go back on tomorrow during the day.

It must be good. I just went outside in the rain to check on the rest of them. The light is still on, and just about every chicken we own is in that one coop next to the light. I'm glad it's helping, I just feel bad we had to lose one before we did this. Smh.

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