
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Please Live Again!

 Merry day after Christmas, and Happy New Year!  

Can I pose a potential New Years resolution?  Just a suggestion.  Start off 2022 with a new lease on life.  In other words don't pay any attention to the panic purveyors, those gumbas that insist on keeping us masked, isolated, etc by using a virus who's latest variant, Omicron, is so mild as to be regulated to the common cold.  

According to Dr Marty Makary of John Hopkins, Omicron doesn't infiltrate the lungs.  Instead it's superficial, much like our common cold.  You didn't live in fear of the common cold before.  Don't now.  I don't care what they say.  Throw off your mask!  Gather together!  Ring in the new year!  

Personally we're looking forward to 2022 in the hopes it's a little easier on us.  2021 has been a challenge.  Even with the challenges of 2021 we have much to celebrate and thank 2021 for!  

1) My husband was able to have back surgery that allowed him to regain the use of his legs.  By the time the surgery day came he was having a hard time even walking a few feet.  Now he's back to his workouts and his flexibility is almost back

2) My husbands surgery is now paid in full!  In addition, that surgery covered our deductible which kept my hospital stay from hitting us financially.  We only owed a small amount.  

3) Dh and I are now fully vaccinated in that we've both had Covid.  Now I did end up with Myocarditis from my bout with Covid, but it's since resolved and I'm back to a normal (ish) workout on the treadmill.  Plus, my bout with myocarditis, brought me to my new Doctor.

4) Our youngest son has worked hard to get past his own hurdles and is well on the way towards his future.  

5) Our Daughter got a job she loves.  

8) The greatest blessing of this year is the fact that thru lost work hours, cuts in pay, hospital expenses, illness and injury, and a variety of other obstacles; God has seen us thru it all.  God has provided strength, healing, and provision anywhere it was needed.  

Guess what!  God will provide the same in 2022!  We're not any more special than anyone else.  God doesn't show favoritism.  He loves all of us (you too!) and will see you thru anything you face as well.  You only have to ask.  

So instead of focusing on the fears, failures, and other problems of 2021; focus on how God has seen you thru those things.  How can you see His provision?  Look for the silver lining in every circumstance.  We could've focused on the problems this year instead of focusing on God provision.  Our perspective and reaction would have been much different.  Shift your focus towards God's provision.  It changes things.  '

So while we would like things to be easier in 2022, I'm confident that whatever 2022 holds, God will hold us.  

So we say "Thanks" to 2021 and goodbye(ahem somewhat gladly), and "Hello" and a little "Bring it on" to 2022.

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