
Monday, December 6, 2021

NEWS FLASH! Viruses Mutate

 Sooo IT'S HERE!  The latest mutation of Covid has reached our shores.  You'd think we were facing Ebola or something.  Speaking of...remember when two American citizens were brought home with Ebola, about 10 years ago.  That was Ebola, and there wasn't near the craziness with that on our shores.  Now I know it was just a couple of folks, but had Ebola been released here?  YIKES!  That has like a 50% mortality rate!  

Covid still has about a 1% mortality rate.  

So here's the thing.  Viruses mutate.  When they do it's always to become more transmissible, but less lethal.  Hear what I say.  A virus wants to spread, but not kill.  Why do you ask?  Because the virus will die with it's host if it didn't.  It's in it's best interest to not kill the host.  Now the virus doesn't care if it makes the host ill, but it doesn't want to do it in.  

Knowing that, our fearless leaders are still spreading fear amongst the people.  Now why do you think that is?  I don't see the logic in trusting any entity; be it the government or "Medical expert" that

1)  Blocks any differing opinions

2)  Blocks information on and the availability of effective treatments for Covid. Now why would they do this?  Well, just a tidbit of info to make of it what you will, but the FDA(Fduh) wouldn't give emergency authorization for the vaccine if there were any effective treatments.  Sooooo.

    *** Just a bit of an aside.   Looky at what I'm taking post Covid to help with my Covid induced Myocarditis!  What do you know it's actually Ivermectin and it's for people!  Who'd a thunk it!  Yea.  It's only been around for over 40 years and the creator is a Nobel Peace Prize winner FOR IT"S CREATION!   

3)  Pushes/Forces a medical procedure on it's citizens without allowing them to be totally informed of risks and benefits of said procedure.

4)  Gives no recourse for those adversely affected by said medical procedure.

5)  Lies about the effectiveness of masking, and the vaccine for that matter..

6)  Sensationalizes the seriousness of the new Omicron variant to push Vaccines/Boosters, probably to set things up for politicians; after all, next year is an election year.  The scientist who discovered the new variant says it is more easily transmitted, but symptoms seem to be less severe.  "Much milder symptoms" is what I believe she said.  That's not what you hear on the news.  

7)  Calls what is at best a therapeutic, a vaccine!  It isn't!  If it was, it wouldn't matter who was vaccinated or not.  If one was vaccinated, they would be protected from those of us who aren't.

They've done all this and there are people who say " that's all fine.  Put whatever that is in my body".  Yea.  Not this little grey duck.

What really stuns me are the number of Healthcare members pushing masks and vaccines when they know the same things I do about infection control, cross contamination, and  now vaccine efficacy.  I actually had a doctor tell me in the ER that I should get the vaccine.  I said, "But I've had Covid".  She said "Oh I know, you can't get the vaccine for 8 months, but then you really should".  I said" But I've had Covid".  She said" but we don't know how long that lasts".  I'm thinking, well we do know how long the vaccines last.  Hence the need for a booster.  Sorry, but I'm not getting on a booster Hamster wheel.  

 Don't let them scare you into compliance.  Educate yourself.  Think critically.  Find a good doctor that thinks for him or her self and doesn't just push pills.  Talk to them.  Don't let the powers that be dictate your health.  They don't have to deal with the repercussions.  You do.  If I'd had an independent Doctor when I had Covid; I might not be dealing with this Myocarditis now.  I have one now, and am grateful.


  1. Amen! I've been saying this FROM THE START. And let's not forget, when the supposed Ebola patients came here, the one receiving them barely had on any protective gear! For freaking EBOLA!

  2. Did you know that just a few years ago a Nobel prize was awarded for beneficial use of Ivermectin in humans. BTW, wrap your head around this. Once you realize that our government is demonized then you have no trouble understanding their actions or motivations.
