
Saturday, September 25, 2021

Unwelcome news mixed with relief.

Hello again.

About a week ago I noticed a lump on our pitti's(Mona) chest.  It was new and now very visible so I knew I needed to get her to a doctor.  We have a problem though.  Mona is terrified of cars.

Due to that fear she has only been to the vet once when we first found her.  Over the years we've tried taking her on car rides to show her it isn't so bad, even taking her to the park to go walking with her buddies.  She wants none of it.  Knowing this could, and probably would, be bad news, I knew I needed to find someone to come to us.  We don't have many vets in our area that make house calls.  At least not that I could find online.  I asked around and someone referred us to a mobile pet service called Pet Wise Vet Care.  We made the appt.  

Well they came yesterday.  They went to take a picture for her file folder and the first one, though not quite what they needed for the folder, was perfect Mona.

My relief comes in the fact that the in home vet visit was amazing!  I don't think Mona even knew she saw a doctor.  All she knew is she was getting lots of pets and belly rubs, lots of "Good Girl", and ear scratching.  When the time came to draw blood, I was able to hold her in my lap and love on her while they did what they had to do.  She stiffened as the needle went in, and attempted to brush it away, but she never cried out, tried to bite anyone, or pulled away.  I hugged her and pet her thru it and when she was done her tail went to wagging and she went right up to the vet and techs for petting and loving.  She didn't fear them at all.  

I was right.  It's bad news in that she does have malignant breast cancer.  The good news is it hasn't spread, and aside from the tumor, she is very healthy.  She's 11.5 years old.  She'll be 12 in Feb.  The vet was impressed with how flexible she is and how much muscle mass she has to be 11 years old.  We're looking into treatments for her.  Something that will keep her with us for the longest amount of time, with the least amount of discomfort on her part.  

My relief comes from the fact that, knowing aside from a traumatic event that takes me away from her:  I will more than likely out live her.  If the time comes that she needs a vet in order to say her last goodbyes, they will come out to our house and in the home she's always known, with her "Sister" Sophie by her side and surrounded by everyone she knows and loves, Mona will leave in peace and comfort.  That is way better than in a cold sterile office after a traumatic car ride.  

While I do know that day is coming, I'm optimistic that we have time.  She is on supplements to boost her immune system, and the vet is looking into a new injection that may kill the tumor without her needing surgery.  I'm just going to enjoy the time we have together.  I'm just very grateful for this vet service, and highly recommend it to anyone interested.  Cost wise I would say it's comparable to a conventional vet clinic.  

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