
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

It's my page and I can post if I want to.

Regardless of how you feel about Covid, Masks, Hydroxy, etc, you need to make an informed decision, and do what is right for you and yours.  The Physicians at American frontline Doctors have come forward to tell about how they are successfully treating Covid patients in their practice, but because their treatment isn't going along with the mainstream Media, it's being deleted as false on Facebook, Youtube and Twitter.  That's a nice way for the powers that be to censor what we hear, see or read.  This flies all over me, and Liberal, Conservative or Libertarian that should fly all over you too.  So I'm sharing this here.  

Here is the link to Physicians with American Frontline Doctors video:

Ironically, many of those that vote conservative and therefore, more than likely for Trump, are actually going against his administration on masks, and the effectiveness of shutting everything down and sheltering in place.  

Those who are anti Trump, or liberal tend to be the ones saying mandate mask wearing(unless you're protesting), shut down( unless you're protesting), We're all gonna die!etc.  

Time to get informed, make a decision, and maybe question some motives.  All I'll say.

Please watch.

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