
Sunday, June 28, 2015

We're Home!

Yes, we made it to Tybee Island and back.  We left Thursday afternoon.  As we were packing up we hear a faint "chirp" from the incubator.  A new baby decided then was the right time to arrive.  Aint that just the way.  So we got the chick set up and left our oldest son in charge of baby sitting.  He was thrilled.....NOT!

We had a great time visiting with family;  hubby's brothers and sister, spouses of said siblings, 2 nieces, 1 great nephew, 1 great niece, "and a partridge in a pear tree".   Hubby didn't feel so hot the first day there so we did very little.  Well lets face it, aside from eating out and a walk to the beach, we did nothing really out of the ordinary.  Well I did read a book.  In fact, just about everyone brought a book to read.  I'm thinking being a grown up hinders reading pursuits.  Just a thought.  Anyhoo, I read about half so now have to find the time to read the other half.

The new baby chick was still here waiting for us when we got home as well as the problem of what to do with it.  We were at a loss until I heard a "chirp" from the coop and saw that our brooding mama has successfully produced a chick.  We took it out and handled booth the incubator chick and the new baby and put them back.  She seems okay with it, but I am not sure about the rest of the flock.  We have no other recourse.  So, yes, I prayed for the little thing.

The garden also acknowledged my return with more squash, beans, tomatoes, blackberries (about a gallon) and a few more blueberries (not so much).  The garden has really grown since I've been gone.  It will be interesting finding the time to deal with it all.  WHAT WAS I THINKING!  The Blackberries and blue berries will be frozen so they will be a breeze.  The beans will take some doing.

So anyway, we are back and hitting the ground running.  No rest for the weary.  Have a great day yall!

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