
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Today is the day!

Yes, today is the day.  It is the day I get to start my garden seedlings.  Can spring be not to far off?  Yay!  During the month of January, I was convinced the "Winter we would tell our grand kids about"(Kurt Mellish, weather man for WSB Radio) was not to be.  Instead I dreamed of an early spring.  In fact Georgia's own General Beauregard (Ground Hog) told us we would have an early spring.  This year I believed it.  Then February arrived and got really cold, and stayed really cold.  Then the Ice storm arrived.   Then we got snow.  So yea, Winter made its return.   RATS!  But now the end is in sight.  This weekend is supposed to be cold and rainy.  Then Next week a mixture of cold and/or rain.  But then.....But then....But then next weekend will be sunny with highs in the upper 50's and lower 60's.  After this long drawn out weather report for north Georgia (You're welcome); my point is we are less than 6 weeks away from our last frost date and I GET TO PLANT MY SEEDS.  Spring is in view!  WOOHOO!

Just an aside here.  I have determined gardening is much like childbirth.  For some reason mothers forget about the pain, and work that comes with having a child.  This allows them for some reason to want and have another!  Much like that, Some how each January, I forget about the bugs, mosquitoes, weeds, dirt, sweat, etc that comes with gardening and gleefully anticipate the time when I can start it all over again.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!

Anyway, now that I can get my seeds planted, I need to have a way to have them grow well.  As I wrote before my "Greenhouse" was a dud.  Today is also the day I go out and take it apart and put the things away for now.  I have been looking for a better design for a greenhouse and so the clear vinyl will be stored away and used again once I am sure of my new design.  Definitely will post pics when I get it.  The PVC will once more be converted into something useful as in a bean trellis for my climbers this summer.  In the meantime I need to have a way to give my seedlings the best start possible.  The answer?  A grow light for starters.  The grow light is going to be used to supplement the sunlight that comes through the windows, which isn't ideal.  Once the seedlings have their second set of leaves, I will move them out to my shelves outside with the vinyl covering I made last year.

 That will allow them more light without exposing them directly to the outside environment til they are hardened off.  That's the plan anyway.  So for the next few weeks my dining room table will be taken over by a seemingly endless amount of baby plants just waiting for their day in the sun!.

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