
Monday, October 15, 2012

Good morning folks!

How is everyone?   Things are status quo here.  Making plans to go to my brothers house to watch his dogs for a few days.  That means a day in the kitchen making sure bread is made and meals are planned before I take off.  I'm on my second cup of coffee so things look good in the energy department (smile).
I was FINALLY able to dig up a few peanut plants to see if they were ready for harvest.  They are, so I am going to try to get outside either today or tomorrow and get 1 bed up.  Out of three beds of peanuts, this is the oldest.  The other two beds a a couple of weeks behind.  That's good cause I need more days in my week.
I have to share something.  Now most people won't be as interested in this, but this means a lot to me.  My mom is having a yard sale with a friend/neighbor.  I was down at my parents house the other day and she wanted me to look at the things she was selling and see if there was anything I wanted.  This is what I got:

This is my mom's water bath canner, blancher, and roasting pan.  The vast majority of  my childhood   memories, are of my mom in the kitchen.  Every summer there was jam to be made, and garden produce to be canned.  Every holiday we had my dad's side of the family over for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas and there were goodies to be made (lots...YUM), and hams/turkeys to be baked or roasted.  Then there were the times before my dad's paycheck would hit the bank and my mom would get in the kitchen and bake cookies, homemade donuts, etc.  Oh be still my heart.  Yea baby! Well these pans had a part in all of that.  Hence their significance.  I got some other things as well :Christmas dishes and glasses, and a shelf for in the bathroom.  But these are the crown jewel.
Mom if you are reading this can I just say that these items aren't symbols of work that was done in the past, but instead are representative of the care and love you gave your children and family everyday.  You are an amazing mom.  My only desire is to be able to step into your shoes(pans) as well as you did.  I love you, and Thank you.

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