
Wednesday, March 14, 2012


So how is everyone?  Things are fine here for the most part.  There are always the things that can cause worry, frustration, etc, but we are also aware that we are blessed beyond measure.  My worries of the day don't hold a candle to those things others go through.
As always my to do list is a mile long and added to daily.  I like it though.  It keeps me busy and I like that.  Ahh for the days long ago when I was a teenie bopper and spent my days in my room usually reading something. I would go through a book a day almost.  Now to read for pleasure takes a couple of weeks.  In fact I have some over due library books.  Not good.  I should just by the books used and give myself time to read them.  Also I tend to spend time reading books on things like basic skills, gardening, cookbooks, etc. Some of my favorite books are Readers Digest "Back to Basics", "The More with Less Cookbook", Rodale's "Home Food Systems", and "Tomatoes love carrots".
It is a beautiful day in my neck of the woods.  Sunny with highs in the upper 70's.  My peas, onions, and lettuce are peeking out which pleases me greatly.  My tomato plants are growing bigger by the day.  I would put them in the ground now if I could, but I am nervous we might have another cold zap.  So they stay on my deck growing free of the garden til I feel comfortable planting them officially.  This is the first year I have had great success with my plants from seed.  Part of the reason for that success is a blessing by my daughter last week.  She had a pile of Terra Cotta  flower pots in a pile in her yard.  They were from a previous tenant.  A good many of them were broken, but a good many weren't.  It is kinda sad to see how someone didn't take care of their stuff. But then again I was probably the same way when I was younger. Terra Cotta pots are a good investment, and I hate to see them go to waste.  Anyway, my dd said I could have them and so I picked out the good ones brought them home and here is what I got
Pay no attention to my messy kitchen.  It was early morning and I hadn't gotten my day started yet. (smile)

Today's plan is to work on stripping, sanding and re-staining the deck floor of my back deck.  Once that is done we are planning on getting some good quality lattice and lattice caps to build panels to block the sun from coming in our sliding glass door.  That direct sunlight generates a lot of heat in these Ga summers.  Rubic will be helping me.  He is having a light day of home school today mainly due to the fact that he has already completed history for the year.  Now it is time to help mama.  I am really looking forward to getting the deck spruced up.  I really want to be able to use the deck a lot this year.  I love sitting out there and looking at the garden and fruit frees.  Yes I do sometimes just sit.  Usually when my Dh comes home.  I just try to be busy during the day.  If he is working away from home I can at least work at home.  That is the way it should be.
My latest project for rainy days is this piece of furniture:
I was my dad's dresser when he was a boy.  The mirror that matches isn't in this picture, but I do have it.  My fear is that I won't be able to stain this piece.  That was my main desire, but there are places here over the years the wood was bumped or otherwise distressed and the old paint is down in the bump or scratch.  I have sanded and sanded but it doesn't want to come out.  I also tried to use paint remover, but I guess it can't reach it.  Very frustrating, but even painted I believe it will be a beautiful piece. Anyway, this is the before pic and I will definitely post the after.
So I guess if I am going to accomplish anything I need to get to work.  Hope everyone has a great day!

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