
Monday, November 21, 2011

What am I thankful for?

I am always struggling to "in whatever circumstance to be content".  There is always one more thing I would like to have in my home, to look better, have more, etc.  I think it is human nature and I am human.  Sometimes, not only at Thanksgiving, I try to think of all the blessings I do have and focus on those.  So at the risk of boring everyone, can I share?

All of my 3 children are still alive.  My mother faced the loss of one child when that child was 3 days old and my mom was at the young age of 19.  She later on had to face the loss of my brother due to a motorcycle accident and he was only 26 at the time.  I can't even imagine.  I know there are parents who face this sort of thing every day.  I have no way of knowing how they feel, but my heart goes out to them as well as my prayers.  I also have a grandson who is three.  A cuter more rambunctious boy you will never find.  My family is ever growing with the advent of a son in law and my grandson.  Getting old aint so bad.  I am grateful for my family.

Speaking of family, I am thankful I was raised in a loving family.  My parents have been married for 53 years.  I was blessed to have a mom who stayed home for us kids.  I wouldn't have traded my childhood for the world.  I am one of  6 children.  4 are still living, and 2 are waiting for us to join them one day.  I am very close to my oldest sister.  She is the twin of the baby that died so young.  She is 8 years older, but we have a blast together.  I am the middle child with 2 brothers below me and two sisters above me(in age that is).

We have lived at this address for the past 15 years.  We live in a mobile home on a little more than 3/4 acre of land.  There are things that need repairing and things I want to do to make it like I want it everyday.  I do have my plans.  It is very easy to look at someone who has a nicer house and wish that was me.  Hey I freely admit that.  That is until I realize there are people in other countries and even in our own country that would look at our house and wish it were theirs.  There are those who have no home or live only in a house that isn't a home.  I am grateful for my home.

This marriage is my second and last.  I have been married to my knight in shining armor for 18 1/2 years or 94.5 Kardashions (smile).  I love him and he loves me.  He makes me feel safe and special.  He is funny. He keeps me laughing.  Now I will admit there are times when I shake my head and he dives me nuts, but I am sure he can say the same about me.  I am grateful to have a partner like him to share my life with.  I hope we can share it a very long time.

My Dh and I both are currently employed.  He full time and I am part time.  We both work for a hospital in our area.  I pray it stays that way, but for now I am thankful we have our jobs.  I am also thankful that my Dh has always tried to make it possible for me to either work part time or at home in order for me to be with our kids.

There are so many other blessings and were I to list them all this would be a very long post for sure.  The important thing is that I remember these blessings when I am tempted to ask for more.  I don't need anything more.  Instead my focus needs to be how can I share what I have with others.  I pray I do remember how blessed I am and should any of the blessings change, to remember I am still blessed in so many ways and that my relationship with God is my greatest blessing.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Loved this post! Could not agree more. What a blessed life we all have! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
